Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Independence Hall - by Jenna

One of the things we did today on our adventures of fun was we visited Independence Hall. When we arrived, they took us into a room to watch a video on how Israel became a country. They also explained how there was a short (thirty eight minute) meeting, held at the house of the first mayor of Tel Aviv, where the Country of Israel was declared. We then went into a room, where the participants actually sat during the actual announcement of the Declaration of Statehood was announced in May 1948. We also got to hear David Ben Gurion's voice as he delivered the speech. Than the band played, Hatikvah, and we all stood up with the playing of the recording. It was such a moving speech and song to hear, i'm so glad i could be a pat of remembering Israel's wonderful history.
Being where the Independence of Israel was declared was such an amazing and surreal experience because we were sitting right where teh people sat in the meeting sixty two years ago this week.

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