Friday, April 16, 2010

Masada - by Zack

Yesterday we went to Masada. Previously to going there, I only knew that it was pretty much a big rock. But when I got there I was so amazed at not only the size but the stairs that we had to climb to get to the top of the mountain. The hike was a lot shorter than I’d imagined; it only took 20 minutes to get to the top. We were all pretty tired once we got to the top since it gets hot in the dessert in the afternoon, so we sat for a few minutes to re hydrate ourselves and to catch our breath. Roni, our tour guide, took us around the entire mountain telling us the story of the very brave Jews who lived there and had to protect themselves from the Romans. I thought it was very interesting how they built an amazing water system in the middle of nowhere! The story doesn’t have such a fun ending, since the Jews living in Masada decided to end their lives instead of living a life of enslavement. However, our visit had a happy ending since Roni got a phone call from his wife that her water had broken and she was on the way to the hospital to deliver their brand new baby. On the way down the mountain, we were all trying to give him name suggestions (our own names!). I told him he should name his baby Zack!

1 comment:

  1. What a Mitzvah for Roni's wife to call during your spirtual journey! Did he name the baby Zack? Lysa
