Wednesday, April 14, 2010

a Walk Around Tel Aviv - by Katrina

We walked around Tel Aviv with a tour guide in a taste and color look at the city. We got to see the first house in Tel Aviv, and the site of the first high school. We also met the tour guide's mother - who was a Holocaust survivor. Although she knew five languages, English was not one of them, so she only spoke Hebrew to us, and so we didn't know what she was saying (until it was translated for us). As we walked around the city we got to go into lots of different specialty stores, and tasted all kinds of interesting food, from chow mein noodles made of humus, to cookies, to things made out of almonds (different kinds of marzipan) bourekas and candies. It showed me how many different types of food there are in Tel Aviv. It was a great day.
To see all the old buildings was very breathtaking because they were so beautiful. To know that some people came here with nothing and built those beautiful homes. It was amazing. Some of those homes are still lived in today. It is amazing.

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