Friday, April 9, 2010

On the plane

We boarded in typical El Al style - they put us in a bus - and drove us - with police and air marshal escorts - to the far end of the airport - right near the fire pits in Playa Del Rey where we boarded the plane. Then we taxied for a half an hour - all the way back past the gates we had left in buses an hour before. The TJ kids all had a great time on the flight - doing homework - watching movies, enjoying one another's company - and playing their new favorite game - "get the best picture of Rabbi Raff sleeping" (which they were really enjoying until the very nice, and very protective, man sitting next to Rabbi Raff told them to stop taking pictures - and to go back to their seats). Since i didn't take any of the Rabbi Raff sleeping pictures - none appear in the blog - but all of the students will be able to enter their very best shots into the competition - and Mike Mason will be the judge - after we are all back in LA.

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