Friday, April 16, 2010

L'Hitraot - We will see you soon

Dear parents,
Thank you for allowing us to share Israel with your children. Tonight we are going to M'umana - the Israeli version of Stomp - then we are with families tomorrow during the day. We are meeting tomorrow evening for a goodbye party - and from there going directly to the airport to fly home. There will be no more posts until we leave. We have enjoyed sharing Israel with your children. They have been wonderful, and have had a great experience. Thank you to all of you, to your children, to our host families and to our partners, Idit and Hadas - we couldn't have done it without all of you.
We will see you all at LAX - please check flight tracker - and please don't be late.
Thanks again - U'Lahitraot - Until we meet again,
Bruce and Karen


  1. Thank you so much for leading our kids on an amazing adventure!

  2. Yes... an adventure that we all will never forget. Todah Rabah!......Truely amazing:} The Burkes
