Sunday, April 18, 2010

Our students reflect on our trip - and share how it changed them

On Saturday night - during our closing party and Havdalah our students were able to share their reflections about the trip to Israel. I share their thoughts with you here. (The students didn't put their names on their notes - so I did my best to match the right student with the right text). If I mislabel your text - please let me know - and I will correct them. I apologize that two texts are missing -they were both outstanding, but they were not given to me. If your text is missing - please check and see if you can find it. One of you gave me your "family talk" - instead of your reflections talk. The other of you - simply didn't give me a text. Please see if you can get ahold of - or reconstruct your talk - and send it to me, so it can be included in the blog.

Reflections - by Jenna
As far as life experiences go, I can say I have not had many. But this incredible trip I have had here in Israel is definitely number one. Although it was a short trip, I feel it was one I much needed and wanted. Since I was in 6th grade, all I ever heard about in my house was how amazing the delegation was. My sister was in this delegation three years ago, and hasn't stopped talking about it since. When i heard her rave on and on about how great it was, I decided that I must take part in it, to experience it for myself. Not only was my sister right, but by participating, I have now found a new home.

Throughout my life, I had been taught that Israel is my homeland and I am always welcome there, but I always thought those were just exaggerated claims. But I was wrong. From the moment I arrived, I was greeted by hugs and presents from the amazing kids in the delegation as well as Shiri and her wonderful family. Everyone in Israel was so kind and patient with me, I now wondered why I was living anywhere else but here. From all of our day trips - to Jerusalem, to Yad V'shem, Shenkin and more, to our overnight to the bedouin tents and camel riding, everything has been a blissfully amazing adventure. Visiting school was fun because I got to see how kids across the world from me learn and are taught. I met so many nice kids that were welcoming and kind to me from the moment they said hello. At home, I go to temple two or three times per year, but don't feel extremely Jewish other than those few times. This trip opened my eyes to a whole new way of living. On Fridays, you see people walking to and from temple and on saturdays, everything is closed until sundown. It is such a different lifestyle than the one we live in Los Angeles. Different, but I enjoyed every minute of it. While I was here, I felt more Jewish than I ever have, and I was truly proud to be a Jew. Thank you for giving me this opportunity to truly have another home for myself in Israel.

Being In Israel - by Zack
When we landed in Israel and I got off the plane, I knew that this was a once in a lifetime opportunity. Not many kids get to do this. Every week in Religious School we learn about this place, Israel, our Jewish homeland, and our teachers and rabbis tell us that this a a place where so much of our history has taken place. So, while I was getting off of the plane I was thinking to myself "I really hope this place is cool. I really hope I can connect with all the landmarks and I hope most of all, that I will have fun." Well, I didn't get that. I got that and so much more.

From this experience I have made a ton of new friends, but not only friends, people who have the same beliefs and religion as me. That made it all so much easier to connect with them, and with Israel as a whole. And, even though they speak Hebrew, and I didn't when I arrived, now, i can somewhat understand what they are saying. But, mainly from this trip I have gotten a lot of independence. I don't usually get this much at home, and I loved having it here.

And now I stand here talking to you about leaving, but in my head, right now, I'm trying to figure out what we are all going to do tomorrow. But, in reality, I won't be here tomorrow. Thinking about this trip, I know it has been one of the best experiences of my entire life.

My experience in Israel - by Maddy
My experience in Israel was indescribable, but I will do my best to put it onto words. This trip has taught me not only how important and difficult the struggle for Israel has been, but also taught me how special Israel is. When everyone stood still to remember the victims of the Holocaust, I realized that Israel is a very unique nation. Knowing that everywhere in Israel, people were standing and remembering just like me, was an incredible feeling that will stay with me forever. Being in a program like this gave me a chance to really learn the culture. Bus rides and the days we spent at school showed me that although they live really far from me, Israeli teenagers are very similar to American teenagers. The open bus really showed how alive the culture of Tel Aviv is. Going to the Kotel is another one of my many experiences here that will stay with me forever. Being at a place that is such a big part of Jewish history made me feel more connected to Judaism. Many of my favorite experiences were when we were all together. Whether we were at a museum or splashing in the water it was always fun. The memories and friendships I made here will stay with me forever. This was a once in a life time experience that opened my eyes to a new culture.

Reflections on Israel - by Katrina
It felt like just yesterday when we were standing at LAX saying our goodbyes to our new friends. We knew it would be months before we would see them again. I remember every week, during religious school, giving everyone the update on how many days were left until Israel. I was so excited to come to Israel. Every morning i would wake up and think one day less until it was April 7th, and I knew I was going to Israel the next day. The whole day at school, I could not concentrate. All I could think was - I am going to Israel tomorrow.

When we finally got here, I was so excited! Our first day of touring we went to Jerusalem and to Yad V'shem. It was very eye opening, and it showed me how thankful and lucky I am to be alive and well. Also, it made me feel connected to every single Holocaust victim. Had i lived at another time - i could have been one of them. To me, this museum was the most important thing we did. It made me feel more Jewish, and gave me a better understand)ing of what they people went through. Then when we left Yad V'shem, we went to the Kotel and I felt totally connected to Jewish history. To pray at the place that has been part of our history for thousands of years was an experience that I will never forget. All in all, this entire Israel experience has opened my eyes to a new world.

What being in Israel Meant to Me - Rachel
This partnership trip to Israel was my first time in teh "Holy Land". And, all I can really say is "Wow!" This place has amazed me with all of it's beauty, it's warm welcoming and wonderful food. Being here in Israel has not only made me feel more connected to being a Jew, but it has also opened my eyes. "How did this trip open your eyes?" you might wonder. But if only it was possible to explain. Being in this incredible country has shown me that there are such things as friends that you want to keep forever, and never let them go. Right now, all I am thinking about is how I am leaving and about how long it will be until I see you again. Truth is, for the last ten days, I see everyone of you as part of my everyday life. It hurts to think that I have to let everyone go for now. I have grown throughout this trip mostly because I now know that being Jewish means more than just our religion. It shapes our beliefs. Because we are all connected through Judaism I now realize how lucky we are to be on this trip, and with one another. I believe that if we try really hard, we can make these friendships last, from Los Angeles all the way to Tel Aviv and if we want it, it will happen. Being in Israel with this delegation is truly a trip that i won't forget, and never want to. Thank you all for being a part of this wonderful experience.

Reflections - by Matthew
This trip to Israel has been a once in a lifetime experience. Being a part of the delegation show me how alike people from all over the world are. I met people not only from Israel, but kids from Brazil and New Zealand. We all enjoyed the same things. I was also able to become closer to everyone in the delegation. Not only did I make life long friendships, but I was also able to connect to Judaism better by going to all the historic sites in Israel, and learning about the history behind them. Overall, this trip to Israel has been amazing. It changed me and I can't wait to come back again - hopefully soon!

1 comment:

  1. As I'm tying to recover and stay awake to fight the jetlag, I'm reflecting on this past amazing week. I just want to say what an honor it was to spend the week with each and every single one of you and I'm glad I was able to share your first time in Israel with all of you...afterall, you only go to Israel for the first time ONCE and it is truly a special moment.

    I know this experience has changed you for the rest of your lives and I only hope it has ignited a deeper connection and love for the one place we can always call home.

    I hope you're all having a good first day back and I'm looking forward to seeing all of you at school, and I really mean ALL of you! :)

