Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Kotel - by Zack

When we left Har Herzl, we drove to the old city. Near the Jaffa Gate and the Tower of David, we climbed up on top of the walls of the old city - and walked on what is called the Ramparts tour. The old city is only one square kilometer - and we walked around - high above the top of the old city beneath us. After walking around the walls of the old city - we reached Robinson's arch - at the southern end of the Western Wall. We learned about the stones - and how they were set - as well as how the ground at the southern end of the wall -was raised by bringing in additional dirt - and holding it up with a retaining wall. (The Kotel is part of that retaining wall). We watched a short video about the Kotel (the Western Wall) which explained the history, and structure of the walls. Then we walked outside to the plaza, just at the back of the Kotel - and we all sat around in a circle. Rabbi Raff asked us about what that moment meant - what was the meaning for you - of the Wall or of the moment, and then he gave us pens and small pieces of paper - to write prayers to God - that we would put in the Kotel. Then after we all wrote our notes to God, we went over to the Wall. The men were separated from the women, and the men had to wear Kippot to walk to the Wall. We all stuck our notes into the cracks and said some silent and outloud prayers. Rabbi Raff led us in an evening service - as not only us - but hundreds of men - were praying at the Wall. For most of us it was our first experience at the Kotel, and I think it was very memorable experience for sure.

1 comment:

  1. That must have been a very powerful moment for everyone at the Western Wall(Kotel)!
